Tuesday 20 September 2011

Training Mae - Week 4

Morning Walks.....Double about Turn. You already know how to do these This time you will be staying Close or Back twice. As you turn right CLOSE then Close again when you make the move the second time. The same for the left Back and turn than as you turn again BACK again and keep walking so Mae keeps up with you. she may start to turn on command and as you say it she is already turning....

Try to walk round your little park off-Lead....... Just a short time then....  Continue the on-lead work too..... This is know building up the bond between you both. You will be finding it really enjoyable... Working her on and off the lead.

Never be frightened to go back over things. Going back to basic will refresh you both. 

We will be starting to work off lead now. Only do this if you feel you have total control of Mae when you can walk round the park. With out having to correct her a number of times.

All the new things will be off lead.

4. Walking Fast Slow.....This you can do at any time. Just walking at heal. When you are ready to jog. Use MAE HEAL do not wait for her just jog.... You do not have to do this for miles.... When you are ready back to normal pace. As with the fast pace go slow making sure it is smooth. and using HEAL. You may find you have to do this a lot. So far you have been making her keep up with you. Now you are slowing her down. If you feel you have control you can try this off lead too.

5. Recall to The Side....Putting Mae into the sit as you would for the front recall. You are not going to stop and turn to face her. This time keep walking. On your own turn left walk a few paces. Keeping it smooth call Mae to your left hand side you may have to turn you body clapping your hands. You are going to call her to you left hand side as if to heal. BUT you are not going to stop there. As she gets almost to you turn to your right. She is to pick up at you left hand side with out cutting across the front of you. I may have to show you this one if you don't follow what I am saying...... It is easy if you know.... or are shown.  

6. Send Away.....
7. Drop on command from a distance.

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