Tuesday 20 September 2011

Our notes!!

Tracy Bell
did the sit tonight we had to do a few heel comands, but she was doing the sit really well, to start off a few in the middle i had to push her down. she also started walking on the walk on, is this ok?

then on the way back she got really distracted by other dogs, so was saying mae heel sharp snap of the lead kept walking is this right?

she doesn't seem to watch me, she seems scared almost. so i need to catch her attention somehow.

enjoyed it, got a lot of work to do :)
30 October 2010 at 17:31 ·
  • ''Chrissy Knight''
    That is fine.... When she is distracted by other dogs Just say leave and keep walking use the lead to zap her attention back on what you are doing.

    Just keep walk on pay no attention to what she is doing. She need to do what you want.

    As for looking at you talk to her...That will get the attention on you. You can use a treat as well as talking to her. When she has done what you want. For the first day it is good. This is why only do the weeks we have sorted so keep to week one......

    This is how we did it in class.master the ones you know. She is only going to be a pet. A well trained one..... Which you will see people watching you. It is a great sight to see a trained dog walking... Good Keep it up.... XX

    30 October 2010 at 19:37 ·

  • ''Chrissy Knight'' I really think you are going to enjoy this... I know I am.... The list at the top is the ones we are going to get to.... I have put them there so I can explain them to you. So we have some work cut out on these walks.... Once the recall is mastered we can see about off lead work... That is why I have put it in the first week.... XX
    30 October 2010 at 19:43 ·

  • Tracy Bell great this morning her attention was mostly on me. we walked to command on the path for about 10 mins then on to the grass to play (on lead) then back on the path more training. i think that i may do that the training on the path but she can play on the grass. longer walk this morning went exploring.
    31 October 2010 at 13:26 ·

  • ''Chrissy Knight'' That is great you will find ways to do things. You will also notice how she changes in the house too...Keep it up...XXXX
    31 October 2010 at 15:34 ·
    • Tracy Bell ok bad idea this evening took her trick or treating with J she wanted to be J all the time, especially if someone was talking to her at the door. i was talking to her all the time. but she was calm and sat all the time when we stopped.
      31 October 2010 at 19:15 ·

    • ''Chrissy Knight''
      This is the times when you have to realise, she is going to be on her toes. It sounds like she sat and waited which was fantastic. Well done keep that up and she will lean to quiet down. She is having to change to what you want.... Not what she wants... It is only day two and it all take time Hun. So don't worry about it. You will get days when you feel you are going backwards. Then the next day it will be perfect. Remember you were excited and that will travel down the lead to her....XXXXX

      31 October 2010 at 20:43 ·

    • ''Chrissy Knight''
      Well how is it going...Improving I hope. Even if it is only a little that is fine...I bet Mae looks forward to the walks. Tina said you where very excited this morning...lol Good that means it is working well. I have to sit down and put the details in for the other weeks..... Once this week is done and you start to do next weeks. Remember to contintue adding in Week one. Then at the end of this you will be walking and doing all the exercises...PML

      03 November 2010 at 11:00 ·

    • Tracy Bell yeap if i'm doing something, last night getting changed shoes on she sits beside me with her paw on my leg. need to increase the laps now as we seemed to be getting quicker
      03 November 2010 at 17:19 ·
      ''Chrissy Knight'' That is great news... Well when we get to fast and slow pace you will be quicker and slower....lol
      03 November 2010 at 22:45 ·
      Tracy Bell Restarted tonight and it shows she has learnt something she's walking well to heel. she's just slightly ahead of me but that's her12 minutes ago ·

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