Tuesday 20 September 2011

Training Mae - Week 1

Morning walks.... Heel Work..... Walking to heel left side only. You know how to put the chain on the correct way...... Let her get almost to the end on the lead. Whip her back to your side and low vice but firm HEEL. When she dose good girl. Remember to talk to her all the time.

Evening Walks... Sit on Stops...... Just stop tell her SIT and you stop. If she dose not do this quickly push her into it. Left hand down (Bum) right hand (lead) up.Then you stand up. Do not look at her..... wait...tell her WALK ON and step off saying HEEL. Do this when you feel like it but do not keep doing it over and over again.

INDOORS THIS WEEK.....FRONT RECALL.This can be done in the back garden...Lounge... Indoors. Put her on the lead Stand with her sitting at you left side. Extend the lead out in frount of you. Tell her to WAIT. Walk to the end of the lead..If she gets up go back and start again........ Once you get to the end of the lead turn to you left and face her...Do not look at her in the face look above her. You can keep saying wait all the time on this one. Put you hand flat up and wait deep voice. Slowly pick up the lead with out it pulling on her neck. Stand up wait call her Come high excited voice and pull the lead in.....Once she is in front of you get the lead in the left hand and with your right hand place it on her bum and sit with your voice push down with you hand. Stand up wait do not let her jump up at you. With the lead in the right hand tell her to HEEL making a sign with you hand to the right and around motion. Take the lead round you legs to the right until she is at your left and SIT.If you have to push her into te sit at you side make sure she is sitting striate. Wait then praise her but do not let her jump up you..... Once you have mastered this try it off lead.... You will know when you don't have to bring her in or send her to heal with the lead...This sound worse than it is as I have tried to give you the pit fall at the same time. By putting in when to do things it you get what I mean......

1 comment:

Tracy Bell said...

Restarted tonight and it shows she has learnt something she's walking well to heel. she's just slightly ahead of me but that's her