Tuesday 20 September 2011

Training Mae - Week 3

Morning Walk and Evening..... About Turns..... With out you realising you have been doing the Right About Turn. If you have been turning right and walking the other way...... Now you are going to try the Left About Turn. You do this as the Right but this time you will be turning Left. This time you need to Back Mae up. With the lead in the left hand pull it back behind you left leg and saying Back. You turn on the spot. The will stop her and you need to pull her back. Backing her up. Don't let her just turn you need her to walk backwards out of you way. Allowing you to keep walking as you do this. This is a little tricky..... Try doing your turns on your own first. The right turn is easy as it is you slowing and turning on the spot. Mae just follows you as she knows Close she is following you. . The Left you need to slow and turn on the spot in a smooth turn but flowing at the same time. Mae has to move out of your way. Think about you footwork. It is military like in the Army R.A.F Parade.

Sit.  Tand and Down... Home or Back Garden.... With Mae on the lead and at the side of you. As if you are going to walk off but you don't. Tell her to Sit. She should do this striate away. Now tell her to Tand. Using Tand and not Stand. Mae will not get mixed up with the S of Sit or the S on Stand. It is the S. If that make seance. Tell her Tand this time slip you toe under her tummy, while she is still sitting and lift it so she has to stand up. She may jump the first few times. So watch out for that and reassure her. Now form the standing position. Tell her to Down. You may have to put her into the down but do not let her roll to one side. As you will be using you toe to put her into the Sit or Stand. What ever way you want to do this.

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