Sunday 25 September 2011


How much has changed in the last 6 weeks or so.

Well had a major crisis at the end of August and "lost" three hours :(

But have been on a great couple of weeks and I feel very positive.

Getting there one day at a time

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Training Mae - Week 3

Morning Walk and Evening..... About Turns..... With out you realising you have been doing the Right About Turn. If you have been turning right and walking the other way...... Now you are going to try the Left About Turn. You do this as the Right but this time you will be turning Left. This time you need to Back Mae up. With the lead in the left hand pull it back behind you left leg and saying Back. You turn on the spot. The will stop her and you need to pull her back. Backing her up. Don't let her just turn you need her to walk backwards out of you way. Allowing you to keep walking as you do this. This is a little tricky..... Try doing your turns on your own first. The right turn is easy as it is you slowing and turning on the spot. Mae just follows you as she knows Close she is following you. . The Left you need to slow and turn on the spot in a smooth turn but flowing at the same time. Mae has to move out of your way. Think about you footwork. It is military like in the Army R.A.F Parade.

Sit.  Tand and Down... Home or Back Garden.... With Mae on the lead and at the side of you. As if you are going to walk off but you don't. Tell her to Sit. She should do this striate away. Now tell her to Tand. Using Tand and not Stand. Mae will not get mixed up with the S of Sit or the S on Stand. It is the S. If that make seance. Tell her Tand this time slip you toe under her tummy, while she is still sitting and lift it so she has to stand up. She may jump the first few times. So watch out for that and reassure her. Now form the standing position. Tell her to Down. You may have to put her into the down but do not let her roll to one side. As you will be using you toe to put her into the Sit or Stand. What ever way you want to do this.

Training Mae - Week 4

Morning Walks.....Double about Turn. You already know how to do these This time you will be staying Close or Back twice. As you turn right CLOSE then Close again when you make the move the second time. The same for the left Back and turn than as you turn again BACK again and keep walking so Mae keeps up with you. she may start to turn on command and as you say it she is already turning....

Try to walk round your little park off-Lead....... Just a short time then....  Continue the on-lead work too..... This is know building up the bond between you both. You will be finding it really enjoyable... Working her on and off the lead.

Never be frightened to go back over things. Going back to basic will refresh you both. 

We will be starting to work off lead now. Only do this if you feel you have total control of Mae when you can walk round the park. With out having to correct her a number of times.

All the new things will be off lead.

4. Walking Fast Slow.....This you can do at any time. Just walking at heal. When you are ready to jog. Use MAE HEAL do not wait for her just jog.... You do not have to do this for miles.... When you are ready back to normal pace. As with the fast pace go slow making sure it is smooth. and using HEAL. You may find you have to do this a lot. So far you have been making her keep up with you. Now you are slowing her down. If you feel you have control you can try this off lead too.

5. Recall to The Side....Putting Mae into the sit as you would for the front recall. You are not going to stop and turn to face her. This time keep walking. On your own turn left walk a few paces. Keeping it smooth call Mae to your left hand side you may have to turn you body clapping your hands. You are going to call her to you left hand side as if to heal. BUT you are not going to stop there. As she gets almost to you turn to your right. She is to pick up at you left hand side with out cutting across the front of you. I may have to show you this one if you don't follow what I am saying...... It is easy if you know.... or are shown.  

6. Send Away.....
7. Drop on command from a distance.

Training Mae - Week 2

Morning walks.... Close..... I need You to walk along with Mae at heel. Then step to your right. Yanking the lead to you left leg, saying CLOSE at the same time. Do not wait for her keep walking when she is at the side of you Good Girl praise. So you get to the point where you can step to the right and she follows. With you saying CLOSE and she dose it on her own. Once she has mastered this you should be able to step to the side without saying a word to her......

Evening Walks..... Right About Turn..... The right turn is almost the same, but you tell her close and turn round to your right. At the same time.. Do not wait for her she will start to realise she is with you. Remember she may need reminding now and again by you yanking the lead...  You will be facing the way you have just come from. This time walk about eight paces and do it again. You should end up with walking the way you started...... Remember every time you stop she sits. On you left and striate.

INDOORS THIS WEEK.....STAYS SIT & DOWN.... Put her on the lead Stand with her sitting at you left side. Tell her to STAY. Hold the lead in you left hand at the end of the lead. You are going to walk round her. Slowly walk round her saying Stay all the time. Come back to the point where you started. Wait do not look at her. Count to five and go down to her and praise her like mad.....

Once you have her doing the Sit and Down stays you can start doing this you. With out her moving. Try walking  round her off lead. For now.

Put the lead out in front as with the recall. Tell her to Stay Walk to the end of the lead. Turn so you are side on to her. Wait two minutes. This time you are going to return to her, taking up your place by her side. Do not look at her..... Count to five and praise her. Once you have mastered this do it off lead...... When you are doing the down Stay off lead start working your way further away towards the door.  You aim is to go out of the door with out her getting up.... Only do this when you know you can put her into the stay and she will wait for five minutes.... A little tip here is when you put her into the Down Stay. Roll her onto her side so she is relaxed.

On Saturday take Mae to town for a walk round........

Training Mae - Week 1

Morning walks.... Heel Work..... Walking to heel left side only. You know how to put the chain on the correct way...... Let her get almost to the end on the lead. Whip her back to your side and low vice but firm HEEL. When she dose good girl. Remember to talk to her all the time.

Evening Walks... Sit on Stops...... Just stop tell her SIT and you stop. If she dose not do this quickly push her into it. Left hand down (Bum) right hand (lead) up.Then you stand up. Do not look at her..... wait...tell her WALK ON and step off saying HEEL. Do this when you feel like it but do not keep doing it over and over again.

INDOORS THIS WEEK.....FRONT RECALL.This can be done in the back garden...Lounge... Indoors. Put her on the lead Stand with her sitting at you left side. Extend the lead out in frount of you. Tell her to WAIT. Walk to the end of the lead..If she gets up go back and start again........ Once you get to the end of the lead turn to you left and face her...Do not look at her in the face look above her. You can keep saying wait all the time on this one. Put you hand flat up and wait deep voice. Slowly pick up the lead with out it pulling on her neck. Stand up wait call her Come high excited voice and pull the lead in.....Once she is in front of you get the lead in the left hand and with your right hand place it on her bum and sit with your voice push down with you hand. Stand up wait do not let her jump up at you. With the lead in the right hand tell her to HEEL making a sign with you hand to the right and around motion. Take the lead round you legs to the right until she is at your left and SIT.If you have to push her into te sit at you side make sure she is sitting striate. Wait then praise her but do not let her jump up you..... Once you have mastered this try it off lead.... You will know when you don't have to bring her in or send her to heal with the lead...This sound worse than it is as I have tried to give you the pit fall at the same time. By putting in when to do things it you get what I mean......

Our notes!!

Tracy Bell
did the sit tonight we had to do a few heel comands, but she was doing the sit really well, to start off a few in the middle i had to push her down. she also started walking on the walk on, is this ok?

then on the way back she got really distracted by other dogs, so was saying mae heel sharp snap of the lead kept walking is this right?

she doesn't seem to watch me, she seems scared almost. so i need to catch her attention somehow.

enjoyed it, got a lot of work to do :)
30 October 2010 at 17:31 ·
  • ''Chrissy Knight''
    That is fine.... When she is distracted by other dogs Just say leave and keep walking use the lead to zap her attention back on what you are doing.

    Just keep walk on pay no attention to what she is doing. She need to do what you want.

    As for looking at you talk to her...That will get the attention on you. You can use a treat as well as talking to her. When she has done what you want. For the first day it is good. This is why only do the weeks we have sorted so keep to week one......

    This is how we did it in class.master the ones you know. She is only going to be a pet. A well trained one..... Which you will see people watching you. It is a great sight to see a trained dog walking... Good Keep it up.... XX

    30 October 2010 at 19:37 ·

  • ''Chrissy Knight'' I really think you are going to enjoy this... I know I am.... The list at the top is the ones we are going to get to.... I have put them there so I can explain them to you. So we have some work cut out on these walks.... Once the recall is mastered we can see about off lead work... That is why I have put it in the first week.... XX
    30 October 2010 at 19:43 ·

  • Tracy Bell great this morning her attention was mostly on me. we walked to command on the path for about 10 mins then on to the grass to play (on lead) then back on the path more training. i think that i may do that the training on the path but she can play on the grass. longer walk this morning went exploring.
    31 October 2010 at 13:26 ·

  • ''Chrissy Knight'' That is great you will find ways to do things. You will also notice how she changes in the house too...Keep it up...XXXX
    31 October 2010 at 15:34 ·
    • Tracy Bell ok bad idea this evening took her trick or treating with J she wanted to be J all the time, especially if someone was talking to her at the door. i was talking to her all the time. but she was calm and sat all the time when we stopped.
      31 October 2010 at 19:15 ·

    • ''Chrissy Knight''
      This is the times when you have to realise, she is going to be on her toes. It sounds like she sat and waited which was fantastic. Well done keep that up and she will lean to quiet down. She is having to change to what you want.... Not what she wants... It is only day two and it all take time Hun. So don't worry about it. You will get days when you feel you are going backwards. Then the next day it will be perfect. Remember you were excited and that will travel down the lead to her....XXXXX

      31 October 2010 at 20:43 ·

    • ''Chrissy Knight''
      Well how is it going...Improving I hope. Even if it is only a little that is fine...I bet Mae looks forward to the walks. Tina said you where very excited this Good that means it is working well. I have to sit down and put the details in for the other weeks..... Once this week is done and you start to do next weeks. Remember to contintue adding in Week one. Then at the end of this you will be walking and doing all the exercises...PML

      03 November 2010 at 11:00 ·

    • Tracy Bell yeap if i'm doing something, last night getting changed shoes on she sits beside me with her paw on my leg. need to increase the laps now as we seemed to be getting quicker
      03 November 2010 at 17:19 ·
      ''Chrissy Knight'' That is great news... Well when we get to fast and slow pace you will be quicker and
      03 November 2010 at 22:45 ·
      Tracy Bell Restarted tonight and it shows she has learnt something she's walking well to heel. she's just slightly ahead of me but that's her12 minutes ago ·

Wednesday 7 September 2011


Mutant Spider!!!! Cats and dog just watched it. And I can't get any one who's not scared of them to help :((((( so it's sitting under a glass with a dvd on top of it!

  • Liz Carson cant believe u got close enuff to put a glass on it lol xx
  • Julie Brown Spiders apparently don't like conkers!! have any handy to frighten them??!
  • Tracy Bell Hubby home to the rescue!! You and me both Liz. Julie I have been told that but no haven't any at mo but guess where I'm off too at weekend!
  • Liz Carson i had conkers in the house last year and didnt get any spiders but need new ones as got my first biggy tonight grrr xx
  • Susy Withers ‎*is currently going out to find conkers* I hope this works coz i literally have to leave the room is there is 1 in the same room as me lol
  • Susy Withers BTW my spiders seem to be on steroids and they are blooming massive xx
  • Kerry Tallan Bit early for the conkers,any on the ground aren't ripe yet,maybe another week or so :)
  • Paulette Ellen Appleby Tracy if you can get close enough with a glass then you would find the lakeland plastic spider catcher a doddle. Its a long tube that leads to a battery compartment. You press a button and its sucked into the catcher and whilst its held in the tube you can cap the tube and take outside...or just hold the button til you get outside and then release....and no it cant get out the tube as long as you are holding the button....I have one upstairs and one downstairs. Since I had it, my phobia is now managable!

    @Susy...seems to be the case everywhere, so many friends as well as me have said the same!
  • Paulette Ellen Appleby to get it out i just flick the tube as I let go of the button and it sends it sailing into the distance LOL
  • Tracy Bell Apprantely there are so many this year thanks to the wet summer. Pea only got close as it was looking at the animals!!! My heart's still pounding. Susy it does work, I have been told so many times bu different people and we use them on the farm!!
  • Paulette Ellen Appleby I'll try it as soon as I spot a conker lakeland spider catcher in google and am sure you'll find it. Its at least 12 inches long, plus the length of your arm!
  • Susy Withers I need to find something coz these guys can have my entire house at this rate they are that big i am not going anywhere near them. I suffer major Arahnophobia and have panic attacks over the things lol xxx
  • Susy Withers ‎@Paulette still not long enough for me sorry lol
  • Paulette Ellen Appleby aw bless you Susy...big hugs
  • Liz Carson ‎2 years ago u could hear them before u seen them here im sure they were wearing dm boots and had tattoos and ear rings but never seen any bigs ones last year since i got conkers had a couple of little ones vut only where there were no conkers xx
  • Susy Withers well looks like every window and door in my house will be getting decorated with conkers rofl xxx
  • Liz Carson lmao im gonna be doing the same as bill wont be here to sort em and to dog is useless think the hamster would be more help lol xxx
  • ''Chrissy Knight'' Come on Girls waiting for a the men to remove it...Tut tut. They keep the flys down and do not kill them that is unlucky.... Well it would be for the spider...LOL
  • Liz Carson u have a choice 1 you can catch them and set them free which will mean they will come back in or 2 kill em and send a message to all the others hmmmmmm option 2 for me every time lol xx
  • Tracy Bell Mum it was bloody huge!!!
  • Susy Withers Option 2 for me aswell so long as its someone else going close enough to it to actually kill it rofl

  •  well i texted 2 males to help last night before hubby got home, both hate them too. one actually said what do you think the nexy directory is for? Launch it at them!!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Year 2

This year you have two class teachers, Mrs Frame and Mrs Young.  You are also having special lessons with Mrs Prentice.