Tuesday 10 April 2012

Noisy Neighbours!!

Bloody noisy neighbours!!

So this morning I am stopped by a neighbour driving out of the drive "I think I've trapped your cat".

WTF!!! "What do you mean you've trapped my cat?"

"Well I've been speaking to the RSPCA as I thought she was a stray, so they gave me a trap."

"Okay well let's look."

So off we go with me thinking if it's Missie and she's caught her, what state is this woman's arms are like!!  Anyway yeap it's Missie, in this huge trap, so we let her go.

"Guess I should have asked first" YOU THINK!!! "Well there was a man throwing stones at her and she is so skinny".

"She's old.  Oh we will need to let the others in the close know too"

"Well you also have a dog.  I will need to call the RSPCA and tell them."

"What does that have to do with this?  And yes please"

So off to work I go.

Home as normal, WTF note throught the door from a RSPCA Inspector asking me to call her to talk about my cat!  So called and left my number, now have to wait.

Got the call, wonderful woman told her Missie is 13, her words "well that would explain the skinnyness, and it's not point in offering you vouchers for her to be spade as she will have been done"  Yes she has.  Also told her that up until last October we had 3 cats and the dog.

She confirmed that the case would be closed.  PHEW!!!

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