Sunday 29 April 2012

Hating Grandparents

Well hate might be too strong a word you decide.

So last term Nannie told Miss J if she wanted too learn a musical instrument she could, maybe the piano.

Miss J gets excited "I want learn the violin!"

Holy moly NO. Memmories of my sister learning come flooding back with terror attached.

So for a few weeks keep suggesting piano but no.

Anyways guess what came home today?  Yeap the violin!  Miss J oh so proudly shows me it's case then the violin and the bow. Then tells me what note is what, all the while Nannie is relistening to it (serves her right).

Dog in a pqnic at the noise, cats run screaming for the hills!

Very good Miss J.

Daddy's home and yeap you guessed it relistened to it again and Nannie

Sunday 15 April 2012

Miss J-isms

OMG another one ""My alarm clock did cockadoodledo, I can't belive me eyes it went cockadoodledo" how on earth am I suppose to keep a straight face???

Miss J-isms

talking with weather man on bbc "Yes it is cold, I'm not allowed out as I have a cough"

Saturday 14 April 2012

Miss J-isms

Nearly in a car accident - Miss J I am a tsunami!! You are definitely a force of nature :)

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Well all hell broke loose!!!  Mum's been rushed into hospital with swelling on the brain.  They need to reduce it before they will do the biopsy.

Nope Mum's called again the cancer has spread into the brain.


Tina's hysterical

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Noisy Neighbours!!

Bloody noisy neighbours!!

So this morning I am stopped by a neighbour driving out of the drive "I think I've trapped your cat".

WTF!!! "What do you mean you've trapped my cat?"

"Well I've been speaking to the RSPCA as I thought she was a stray, so they gave me a trap."

"Okay well let's look."

So off we go with me thinking if it's Missie and she's caught her, what state is this woman's arms are like!!  Anyway yeap it's Missie, in this huge trap, so we let her go.

"Guess I should have asked first" YOU THINK!!! "Well there was a man throwing stones at her and she is so skinny".

"She's old.  Oh we will need to let the others in the close know too"

"Well you also have a dog.  I will need to call the RSPCA and tell them."

"What does that have to do with this?  And yes please"

So off to work I go.

Home as normal, WTF note throught the door from a RSPCA Inspector asking me to call her to talk about my cat!  So called and left my number, now have to wait.

Got the call, wonderful woman told her Missie is 13, her words "well that would explain the skinnyness, and it's not point in offering you vouchers for her to be spade as she will have been done"  Yes she has.  Also told her that up until last October we had 3 cats and the dog.

She confirmed that the case would be closed.  PHEW!!!

Saturday 7 April 2012


Had an absolutely fabulous day.  Have made friends with Dad's Irish family.  It's been ace and I am buzzing!!  Family Tree growing again!

Monday 2 April 2012


Miss J has gone to Nannie's for 2 weeks and will be off to the continent for her magical mystery tour. How we've managed to keep it from her that she's visiting our family in Germany is amazing!!