Saturday 31 March 2012


Caused havoc today in the new pet shop!  Mummy decided that as they were giving free mircochipping away that I needed to get one.  Okay we got there at 10.15 for 1100 as Mummy said there would be a HUGE queue.  We got there first, so we had to wait.

There was this man who was talking to Mummy about me!  She was talking about me growling.  And kept mentioning that I am more cat than dog.  Wonder what she meant.  But he seemed to make her smile.

So then this "lovely" lady came out and gave me a big fuss then hurt me!  Mummy put my muzzle on and held my head and this man came and held my bum.  So I GROWLED a lot!! Then I had a hurt in my shoulder.  Mummy was very impressed with me.

Walked around the store waiting for Daddy and Jorja to come into the shop.  Lots of other dogs so I growled at them too.  Then this man gave me some treats to try and get me to say hello to his dog, nope.

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