Sunday 27 November 2011


My little ballerina, has had her first ever performance this weekend and she's shattered. So am I.  We got to watch the show with Mum on Saturday, then I was helping out on Sunday.  So went with Miss J for 1.30 expecting to be helping front of house, OH NO I am helping with the kids!!!  Okay so can cope I think 18 of them, 2 shows, 3 of them in other parts so have to check them, can I cope??  Yes!  Well until I was told that I need to make their hair into ponytails with coloured ribbons that need to match!!  O holy crap, how am I gonna do this when I struggle getting Miss J's right and tidy??  On top of that one of them has short hair!! I'm in love with bobby-pins, I used so many of them and hairspray I would be surprised if they came out :)