Monday 7 September 2009

Saturday 21 February 2009

The perils of small children with pets!!

Having three cats I was unsure about getting Jorja fish. But that was what she wanted for her birthday!

They lasted a month!! And ever since she has gone on about death and dying.

So replacing them was something I had been putting off.

But again the heartstrings where pulled and pleading worked and we gave in. Two more were purchased.

Two days later Wilbur was found floating, discreetly we removed him and replaced him for a near exact one! Got caught with the bag but just said he'd been to the doctors!

A week later, we have a fish missing!! Struggle to find it, Andrew removes the log no sign!!

Then in a scene from Finding Nemo, Winnie is found in the water filter! No wonder it was making a strange noise. Unfortunately she's has perished. And Jorja is by our side, so we have floods of tears, and make a promise to replace her!!!

So now I am off to the pet shop again.