Friday 1 April 2005

First Tooth

Your first tooth has come through.

Monday 21 March 2005

First Day at Jane's

Well Mummy's very sad.  She's got to go back to work today, and leave you with Jane your child-minder.

She's a wonderful lady.

Sunday 20 February 2005

Special Day

It's your christening day.

You are wearing the gown that I wore at my christening.  And Great Nanny has made you a beautiful cape to match.  You are also wearing your crucifix that Auntie Lizzie has brought you.

Your god-parents are Auntie Lizzie, Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Iain.

The service was held at the Transfiguration Church, Kempston.

The party was held at the Crown, Willington

Thursday 17 February 2005


Nannie and I took you swimming today for the first time.  You had so much fun :)