Monday 20 December 2004

Child Minder

Met a wonderful lovely woman today Jane.  She will be your child minder when I go back to work.

I knew she was right, straight away.  You had just had your first injections so were a little upset and you were hungry.  Jane took you whilst I was getting your bottle sorted and you settled down straight away.

Sunday 28 November 2004


Oh Great Nanny is priceless.  We stayed at her house last night after the St George's christmas bizarre.

At 6am she came in to our room to say she hadn't heard the baby (you)!!  Neither had we you had slept all the way through the night.

However Great Nanny doesn't wear her hearing aids at night, so she wouldn't have heard you anyway.

Thursday 14 October 2004


Darling we are home.

Daddy came to get us and take us home from the hospital.

Nannie, Auntie Lizzie and Kyle were waiting for us.

Monday 11 October 2004

Your here!

Oh my darling beautiful girl!  Your here and my love is so overwhelming.

Jorja May Bell
you weighed 6lb 15oz (3155grams)
you arrived at 2.54am
you were 48cm long

Friday 17 September 2004

Last day at work

Today it was my last day at work.  It feels so odd, knowing I am leaving my friends and colleagues to have you.

Well we got some wonderful gifts and flowers from everyone.